
--test-program path

Path to a test program

--workers number

How many threads to use

--timeout number

Timeout per test run (milliseconds)

--report-name filename

Filename for the report (only for supported reporters). Defaults to <timestamp>.<extension>

--report-dir directory

Where to store report (defaults to ‘.’)

--report-patch-base directory

Create Patches relative to this directory (defaults to git-project-root if available, else absolute path will be used)

--reporters reporter

Choose reporters:


Prints compiler-like warnings into stdout


Saves results into an SQLite database


Generates mutation-testing-elements compatible JSON file


Generates patch file for each mutation


Print GithubAnnotations for mutants


Makes IDEReporter to also report killed mutations (disabled by default)


Enables Debug Mode: more logs are printed


Enables Strict Mode: all warning messages are treated as fatal errors


Does not capture output from test runs


Does not capture output from mutant runs


Combines -no-test-output and -no-mutant-output

--ld-search-path directory

Library search path

--coverage-info string

Path to the coverage info file (LLVM’s profdata)


Print coverage ranges