For researchers

This page contains a short summary of the design and features of Mull. Also the advantages of Mull are highlighted as well as some known issues.

If you want to learn more than we cover here, Mull has a paper: “Mull it over: mutation testing based on LLVM” (see below on this page).


Mull is based on LLVM and uses its API extensively. The main APIs used are: LLVM IR, LLVM JIT, Clang AST API.

Mull finds and creates mutations of a program in memory, on the level of LLVM bitcode.

Mull uses information about source code obtained via Clang AST API to find which mutations in LLVM bitcode are valid (i.e. they trace back to the source code), all invalid mutations are ignored in a controlled way.

Mull runs the program and its mutated versions in memory using LLVM JIT. The fork() call is used to run mutants in child subprocesses so that their execution does not affect Mull as a parent process.

Supported mutation operators

See Supported Mutation Operators.


Mull reports survived/killed mutations to the console by default.

Mull has an SQLite reporter: mutants and execution results are collected in SQLite database. This kind of reporting makes it possible to make SQL queries for a more advanced analysis of mutation results.

Mull supports reporting to HTML via Mutation Testing Elements. Mull generates JSON report which is given to Elements to generate HTML pages.

Platform support

Mull has a great support of macOS and various Linux systems across all modern versions of LLVM from 3.9.0 to 9.0.0.

Mull supports FreeBSD with minor known issues.

Mull is reported to work on Windows Subsystem for Linux, but no official support yet.

Test coverage

Mull has 3 layers of testing:

  1. Unit and integration testing on the level of C++ classes

  2. Integration testing against known real-world projects, such as OpenSSL

  3. Integration testing using LLVM Integrated Tester (in progress)

Current development

The current development goals for Mull for Autumn 2019 - Spring 2020 are:

  • Stable performance of black and white search algorithms supported by a solid integration test coverage.

  • Incremental mutation testing. Mull can already run on subsets of program code but the API and workflows are still evolving.

  • More mutation operators.


The main advantage of Mull’s design and its approach to finding and doing mutations is very good performance. Combined with incremental mutation testing one can get mutation testing reports in the order of few seconds.

Another advantage is language agnosticism. The developers of Mull have been focusing on C/C++ as their primary development languages at their jobs but the proof of concepts have been developed for the other compiled languages such as Rust and Swift.

A lot of development effort have been put into Mull in order to make it stable across different operating systems and versions of LLVM. Combined with the growing test coverage and highly modular design the authors are slowly but steady getting to the point when they can claim that Mull is a very stable, very well tested and maintained system.

Known issues

Mull works on the level of LLVM bitcode and from there it gets its strengths but also its main weakness: the precision of the information for mutations is not as high as it is on the source code level. It is a broad area of work where the developers of Mull have to combine the two levels of information about code: LLVM bitcode and AST in order to make Mull both fast and precise. Among other things the good suite of integration tests is aimed to provide Mull with a good contract of supported mutations which are predictable and known to work without any side effects.


Mull it over: mutation testing based on LLVM (preprint)

author={A. Denisov and S. Pankevich},
booktitle={2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW)},
title={Mull It Over: Mutation Testing Based on LLVM},
keywords={just-in-time;program compilers;program testing;program verification;mutations;Mull;LLVM IR;mutated programs;compiled programming languages;LLVM framework;LLVM JIT;tested program;mutation testing tool;Testing;Tools;Computer languages;Instruments;Runtime;Computer crashes;Open source software;mutation testing;llvm},