

Looking for help? We’ve got you covered! ❤️

--test-program path

Path to a test program

--workers number

How many threads to use

--timeout number

Timeout per test run (milliseconds)

--report-name filename

Filename for the report (only for supported reporters). Defaults to <timestamp>.<extension>

--report-dir directory

Where to store report (defaults to ‘.’)

--report-patch-base directory

Create Patches relative to this directory (defaults to git-project-root if available, else absolute path will be used)

--reporters reporter

Choose reporters:


Prints compiler-like warnings into stdout


Saves results into an SQLite database


Generates mutation-testing-elements compatible JSON file


Generates patch file for each mutation


Print GithubAnnotations for mutants


Makes IDEReporter to also report killed mutations (disabled by default)


Enables Debug Mode: more logs are printed


Enables Strict Mode: all warning messages are treated as fatal errors


Do not treat mutants surviving as an error


Does not capture output from test runs


Does not capture output from mutant runs


Combines -no-test-output and -no-mutant-output

--ld-search-path directory

Library search path

--coverage-info string

Path to the coverage info file (LLVM’s profdata)


Print coverage ranges